Payment details are available only after creating a request, we do not issue payment details in messengers.

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1. Parties to the agreement.

The agreement is concluded between the online service for the exchange of the title units, hereinafter the Contractor, – on the one part, and the Customer, represented by the one who used the services of the Contractor – on the other part.

2. List of terms.

2.1. Title unit exchange is an automated online service product provided by the Contractor based on these regulations.

2.2. The Customer is a natural person who agrees to the terms and conditions of the Contractor and this agreement to which they accede.

2.3. Title unit is a conventional unit of a particular payment systеm corresponding to the settlement of electronic systems and denoting the scope of rights according to the contract of the electronic payment systеm and its Customer.

2.4. Order is information submitted by the Customer for the use of the Contractor’s funds in electronic form, indicating that the Customer accepts the terms of use of the service offered by the Contractor in this order.

3. Terms of the agreement.

These regulations are considered to be organized based on the terms of the public offer which is formed when the Customer is submitting an order and is one of the main components of this agreement. The public offer is the information displayed by the Contractor about the terms of submitting an order. The main component of the public offer are actions taken upon completion of the order submission by the Customer and indicating their exact intentions to make a transaction on the conditions proposed by the Contractor before completion of this order. Time, date, and parameters of the order are created automatically by the Contractor at the moment of completing the order generation. The offer shall be accepted by the Customer within 24 hours from the end of the order generation. The service agreement shall come into force at the moment of transfer of title units in the full amount specified in the order from the Customer to the Contractor’s account details. Transactions with title units shall be accounted according to the rules, regulations, and format of electronic settlement systems. The agreement shall be valid for the period which is set from the moment of submitting the order until its termination on initiative of one of the parties.

4. Subject of the agreement.

By using technical means, the Contractor undertakes to exchange title units for a fee from the Customer, after this person submits an order and does so by selling title units to persons willing to purchase them for an amount not lower than the amount specified in the order submitted by the Customer. The Contractor undertakes to transfer the funds to the account specified by the Customer. If any profit arises during the exchange, it shall remain on the Contractor’s account as an additional reward and bonus for the commission services.

5. In addition.

5.1. If the Contractor’s account receives an amount that differs from the amount specified in the order, the Contractor shall make a recalculation corresponding to the actual receipt of the title units. If the actual amount is less than the minimum limit in the exchange pair, the user shall contact the Contractor by official mail and receive instructions to correct the situation.

5.2. In the case when the title units are not sent by the Contractor to the indicated details of the Customer within 24 hours, the Customer shall have the right to request termination of the agreement and cancel their order by sending the request for refund to the Contractor’s official mail according to the Contractor form, thereby refunding the title units to their account minus payment systеm fee. The request to terminate the agreement and to return the title units is fulfilled by the Contractor in case the funds have not been transferred to the indicated details of the Customer. In case of cancellation of the agreement, the return of digital currency shall be performed within 24 hours from the moment of receipt of the request for termination of the agreement. If delays in the return occurred not due to the fault of the Contractor, the Contractor shall not be liable for them.

5.3. If the title units from the Customer are not credited to the Contractor’s account within the specified period from the moment of submitting the order by the Customer, the agreement between the parties shall be terminated by the Contractor on a unilateral basis, as the agreement does not come into effect. The Customer may not be notified of this. If the title units are credited to the Contractor’s account details after the specified period, such funds shall be transferred back to the Customer’s account, and all fees associated with the transfer shall be deducted from these funds.

5.4. If there is a delay in transfer of funds to the account details specified by the Customer due to the fault of the settlement systеm, the Contractor shall not be liable for damages arising as a result of long transfer of funds. In this case, the Customer agrees that all the claims shall be filed against the settlement systеm, and the Contractor shall render their assistance to the best of their ability within the limits prescribed by law.

5.5. If it is found that the communication flows are tampered or influenced in order to deteriorate the work of the Contractor, namely their software code, the order shall be suspended and the transferred funds shall be recalculated in accordance with the agreement in force. If the Customer does not agree with the recalculation, he shall have the right to terminate the agreement and the title units shall be sent to the account details specified by the Customer.

5.6. In the case of using the services of the Contractor, the Customer fully agrees that the Contractor shall have limited liability within the scope of these regulations of receiving the title units and shall neither provide additional guarantees to the Customer nor have any additional liability to the Customer. Accordingly, the Customer shall not bear any additional liability to the Contractor.

5.7. The Customer undertakes to comply with the regulations in accordance with the law, as well as not to tamper the communication flows and not to create hindrances to the normal functioning of the Contractor’s software code.

5.8. The Contractor shall not be liable for damages and consequences in case of erroneous transfer of digital currency in case the Customer provided incorrect account details when submitting the order.

5.9. The customer is not allowed to make payment for the request from an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity unless other conditions are described on the exchange execution page. In the event of a breach of this clause, the funds in our account will be frozen by the bank, and we will not be able to refund them to you. In this case, the execution of the customer’s request by the performer is terminated. The funds will remain entirely with the performer as penalty sanctions to address issues with our bank.

6. Guarantee period

Within 24 hours from the moment of performing the exchange of title units, the Contractor shall provide a guarantee for the services provided, unless other terms are stipulated.

7. Unforeseen circumstances.

In the event that unforeseen circumstances arise during processing of the Customer’s order leading to the Contractor’s failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement, the term of fulfilling the order shall be deferred for the corresponding duration of the force majeure. The Contractor shall not be liable for overdue obligations.

8. Form of agreement.

This agreement shall be accepted by both parties, the Contractor and the Customer, as a legally equivalent agreement in written form.

9. Working with cards of England, Germany, and the United States.

For cardholders from England, Germany and the United States, the terms of transferring title units shall be extended for an indefinite period required for full verification of the cardholder’s data. Funds are not subject to any transactions during the whole term and remain in the Contractor’s account in full amount.

10 Claims and disputes.

Claims hereunder shall be accepted by the Contractor in the form of an electronic letter, in which the Customer shall specify the essence of the claim. This letter shall be sent to the Contractor’s contact details indicated on the website.

11. Performing exchange transactions.

11.1. It is strictly prohibited to use the services of the Contractor for illegal transfers and fraudulent activities. By signing this agreement, the Customer undertakes to comply with these requirements and, in case of fraud, to bear criminal liability as stipulated by applicable law.

11.2. In case the order cannot be executed automatically due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor, such as lack of communication, lack of funds, or erroneous data of the Customer, the funds shall be credited within the next 24 hours or returned to the Customer’s account details, minus the commission fee.

11.3. Upon the first demand, the Contractor shall have the right to provide information about the transfer of digital currency to law enforcement authorities, settlement systеm administration, as well as to the victims of illegal activities who suffered from fraud proven by the judicial authorities.

11.4. The Customer undertakes to submit all identification documents in case of suspected fraud and money laundering.

11.5. The Customer undertakes not to interfere with the Contractor’s work and not to damage their software and hardware. The Customer also undertakes to provide accurate information to ensure that the Contractor fulfills all terms and conditions of the agreement.


The Contractor shall have the right to decline concluding the agreement and fulfilling the order without explaining the reasons. This clause shall be applicable to any customer.

13. Video confirmation request.

In the case when the Contractor doubts that the title units belong to a particular order, or if the information in the order does not match the actual data (for example, the amount of title units sent by the Customer is less or more than the amount in the order; the payment details mismatch; the contact information mismatches), the Contractor shall have the right to suspend the order and request sending the video confirmation of the transaction to the Contractor’s email specified on the website. The instructions on creating the video confirmation is sent as email to the Customer’s contact details specified in the order.

14. Communication with the Customer.

Communication with the Customer shall take place in online chat and via email specified in the Contractor’s contact details on the website. Only general information is provided in the online chat. Any disputable issues, as well as issues related to the order details shall be discussed via email only.

The Contractor shall correspond with the Customer according to the schedule specified at

The Contractor shall have the right to stop chatting with the Customer in online chat in case the Customer misbehaves with the Contractor’s employees, asks extraneous questions, or refuses to provide the necessary information.

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