Payments to ruble cards WORK through our currency Barry24 BarryUSD. To do this you must first make an exchange to our currency Barry24 BarryUSD, crediting is instant, after that you can withdraw to any card by card number or via SBP to many banks! In order to use this exchange, you must be registered on our site. We do not take additional commissions for this exchange. If you need to add the necessary direction of exchange, please write to us in chat, messenger or mail. Also separately works withdrawal to Sberbank card and YUMANI wallet in automatic mode. By clicking on this ad you will go to the direction of exchange with withdrawal via SBP.
Crediting up to 15,000 rubles to cards via SBP with BarryUSD is instant. Use our internal currency for fast exchanges. Click here to start exchanging.
Technical Support Hours Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM GMT Saturday and Sunday: Flexible hours
Обратите пожалуйста внимание Лимиты вывода на свою карту: 300 000 руб в сутки. 600 000 руб в мес. Лимит распространяется на номер карты, у вас может быть неограниченное количество карт к одному счету в банке. Количество выплат на одну карту: 10 в сутки. 30 в месяц. Если операция не пройдет в автоматическом режиме, мы в ручном режиме сделаем пополнение другой вашей карты.
This transaction is performed automatically. Payment term: on the average within 15 minutes after we receive the funds.
min.: 10500 RUB max.: 300000 RUB
Enter your Payeer account number
min.: 10000 RUB max.: 285714 RUB
Enter the 16-character card number on the front of the card
Please enter your Telegram profile name without the @ sign Enable Telegram notifications for request status updates; you can find the instructions at the bottom of the website.
Enter your e-mail Please enter a valid email address; notifications about the status of your request will be sent to it.
You need to complete a few steps for the exchange: